Brotherly Love

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in Fuengirola… for a while. Rain and clouds quickly returned (and left and returned, and left and returned), but not before Dudo and Musy (aka Moose) got to enjoy some of the sunshine and fascinating views. Their favorite spot (among many) is the front bedroom window from which they can see the entire beach. San Geraldo opened the window this morning and both cats climbed out (Dudo more readily than Moose). Dudo is very proud of himself when he jumps down to the terrace and comes back in through the living room. He runs through the house until he’s in the bedroom again. He struts into the room and heads right back to the window sill. If he had hands, he’d probably throw them up in the air and say, “Ta da!”  


The sun is back out for a while and Dudo has made his “ta da” tour three times in the 10 minutes I’ve been sitting and typing. If I don’t acknowledge his return, he barks at me (one of those little cat barks). By the way, click on the photos. Some of them will cat-apult themselves to enormous proportions.


Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

26 thoughts on “Brotherly Love”

  1. Although I'm not a cat lover (probably because those allergies make it hard to breathe), I have to admit they are quite beautiful, and it's wonderful that they are so loving towards each other!

  2. Oh, what irresistible beauties those two are! I only know that if I was their owner they'd be controlling my life and everything I do 24/7, just like my own two are doing – plus an additional two who've now alarmingly muscled their way in to be here a large part of the day and nearly every night, even joining me to sleep in my bed. I'm over-run by the loveable little blighters – and it's costing me a blinking fortune!
    Don't Dudo and Moose also attract nearby pussies who want to join them in their domestic bliss? – or are they too defensive against allowing outside 'invaders'?

    1. Raybeard:
      I couldn't wait for you to see this pics. I can imagine what the four are costing you. Two don't come cheaply!

      Dudo and Moose were only allowed on our balconies in Sevilla and only the terrace here. The terrace, like the balconies, is unreachable by other cats. I have a feeling Dudo would make friends immediately and Moose would simply come back inside.

  3. Wow, great view you 4 have!
    Obviously, Dudo and Moose have a good example of how to be sweet and loving, from you and Jerry 🙂 These photos are just great, and I love Dudo's "ta da" tour 🙂 Perhaps you could do a little video snippet of it for us!

  4. Love seeing the boys again… I didn't realize you (and the kitties) have such a view right out your window. WooooHooooo! Of course I liked the view from your place in Sevilla… but… the sea sure has a lot to offer.

    1. Sharon:
      I loved that view in Sevilla. This is so entirely different and much more stress-reducing. We're so close to the beach, we can heart the waves breaking and lapping the shore — even on a calm day.

  5. Boy, looks like a really nice place you have there. I tell you, if there is such a thing as reincarnation I want to come back as one of your cats.


  6. That last picture of the kids looks like they'r whispering to one another.
    I smell a plot, and that can't be good!
    PS I cannot get enough of Dudo's face. i love his expressions.

    1. Bob:
      It really is fascinating about Dudo. Moose has a beautiful face but, to me at least, he's got two expressions: 1) beautiful cat; 2) panicked cat. Dudo, on the other hand, is so unbelievably expressive (I want a play, don't bug me, I need some cuddles, I'm looking for trouble, I'm hungry, on and on…) And, yes, he DOES seem to regularly plot with Moose.

  7. They are lovely boys. As well as being so beautiful, cats are so interesting to observe, aren't they.

    And what a view you have! It must be wonderful to live so close to the sea and to hear the waves at night.

  8. This is so sweet, Mitch! I see that Dudo looks to you for approval and acceptance. This is going to be fun to watch!!

  9. I am so glad that you four are settling into your new home still exploring and seem happy and settling in Fuengirola. More exploits of the furry too soon.

    1. Cuby:
      I could start an entirely separate blog with just the cats (I must take about 30 pics a day)!

      Things are really coming together. I hung another 13 framed pieces today, cleaned the dining room table (which was the workshop). So much better!

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