Sheep’s Clothing / Piel de Oveja

La versión español está después de la versión inglés.

During our morning coffee on Sunday, we got on the subject of farming. Don’t ask me why. Our friend Tynan began to talk about how in the Peak District of England, sheep farmers were known to skin dead lambs and lay the skins atop other lambs to get the ewe to come away from the carcass or to get her to nurse an unwanted lamb. Inanely, I said, “Oh, so a lamb in lamb’s clothing.”

Tynan laughed. San Geraldo didn’t get the joke. “No,” Mitchell,” he explained, “the expression is a lamb in SHEEP’s clothing.”

That got a bigger laugh from Tynan. “No, sweetheart, it’s a WOLF in sheep’s clothing,” I countered.

And that’s my intro to this morning’s wolf blood supermoon (in sheep’s clothing).

Durante el café de la mañana del domingo, hablamos de la agricultura. No me preguntes por qué. Nuestro amigo Tynan comenzó a hablar sobre cómo en el Distrito de los Picos de Inglaterra se sabía que los criadores de ovejas despellejaban corderos y ponían las pieles sobre otros corderos para que la oveja saliera del cadáver o para que cuidara a un cordero no deseado. Inanamente, dije: “Oh, así que un cordero con piel de cordero.”

Tynan se echó a reír. San Geraldo no entendió el chiste. “No, Mitchell”, dijo, “la expresión es un cordero con piel de OVEJA“.

Eso consiguió una risa más grande de Tynan. “No, cariño, es un LOBO con piel de oveja”, le respondí.

Y esa es mi introducción a la superluna de sangre de lobo de esta mañana (con piel de oveja).

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

28 thoughts on “Sheep’s Clothing / Piel de Oveja”

    1. Judy:
      Jerry was up for a couple of hours monitoring things and then woke me up when it started. What a guy. It started at 5:30 a.m.!

  1. Sadly because of the winter storm we couldn’t see it. And by the way re your comment yesterday -5c is nothing – it was -39c in Ottawa this morning and it’s been down to 25c here several days last week.

  2. I know this will be a massive chore for you, but I want you to make the effort. You take that big ol’ teddy bear man of yours and give him a great big hug from me! He is so totally adorable, so are you but in a different way 🙂 As for the moon, gorgeous pix. I never notice the moon unless it is one of those ginormous sun looking ones. We had rain, so no moon.

    1. Deedles:
      I hug him as often as i can, but I’m going to go give him a great big hug from you and he is going to love it! I was disappointed it wasn’t a BIG moon. The photos would have been better!

    1. Jim:
      They’re not the best photos, but they’ll do. I should have used the tripod for that much zoom with that light.

    1. Wilma:
      Thanks. I wasn’t really thrilled with the moon shots, but they’ll do. Jerry isn’t always a lamb, but I don’t know what I’d do without him!

    1. anne marie:
      We had rain and clouds briefly the day before, so I was surprised to have such a clear early morning. What a coincidence; OUR high was around 16C (61F)… and we complained about how cold it was.

      1. Walt the Fourth:
        Aw, thanks. I really wasn’t all that thrilled. I should have used the tripod. I also thought the moon would be bigger! That was some major zoom.

  3. It’s a wolf. it’s a wolf! What cartoon was that a line from? It is cold in DC, too cold to stand outside and look at the moon.

    1. David:
      I can picture a cute little lamb yelling “It’s the wolf!” and then a scrawny wolf (with a wig?) chasing it. Is that it? And, if so, what the hell was it?!? Jerry thought it was too cold here to stand on the terrace with one open window and look at the moon. I think it was 8C (46F)! I wore a hooded sweatshirt.

      1. The cartoon was It’s the Wolf , a segment of the Cattanooga Cats show. Lambsy would actually yell, “It’s the wooluf!” The wolf was named Mildew and the sheep dog (I think) was Bristle. When I play with my dogs I also yell “It’s the wooluf!” I know. My mind is like a trivial dumpster sometimes 🙂

      2. Deedles:
        The Catanooga Cats was after my time, but I knew about it because of my brother. So NOW I remember! Your mind is a treasure chest!

    1. Adam:
      I wasn’t really expecting, too. I don’t think it was actually worth losing sleep over.

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