Moose the Multiloquent / Moose el Multilocuente

La versión español está después de la versión inglés.

YESTERDAY WAS ALL about Dudo. So it’s only fair that today be all about Moose. While Dudo is pretty much a narcissist (a sweet narcissist), Moose is all about the team. Unless he’s asleep, Moose needs to know where we are before he’ll settle. If he hears activity, he gets up (from a catnap or a sound sleep) and searches it out. If he’s hungry (as is often the case) he herds one of us (usually me and never Dudo) into the kitchen to kneel on the floor and pet him while he eats. If San Geraldo and I are at opposite ends of the apartment, Moose will often position himself midway and “talk” incessantly — expecting responses from us both. When he’s ready for a nap, he harasses San Geraldo until he joins him. When we wake up in the morning he chatters away, running alongside in excitement. If one of us is up and the other is not, he whines until “the other” gets up, too. I’ve tried to catch his chatter on video, but he shuts up every time. When he’s not talking, following or leading us around the house, or stalking birds with his brother, he can usually be found on his back with his legs in the air. And he didn’t learn that from me!


AYER FUE TODO sobre Dudo. Así que es justo que hoy sea todo sobre Moose. Aunque Dudo es un narcisista (un narcisista dulce), Moose es un jugador de equipo. A menos que esté dormido, Moose necesita saber dónde estamos antes de que se resuelva. Si oye una actividad, se levanta (de una siesta o de un sueño profundo) y la busca. Si tiene hambre (como suele ser el caso) lleva a uno de nosotros (generalmente yo y nunca a Dudo) a la cocina para arrodillarse en el suelo y acariciarlo mientras come. Si San Geraldo y yo estamos en los extremos opuestos del apartamento, Moose a menudo se colocará en la mitad del camino y “hablará” incesantemente, y esperará las respuestas de ambos. Cuando está listo para una siesta, acosa a San Geraldo hasta que se une a él. Cuando nos despertamos por la mañana él charla lejos, corriendo al lado con emoción. Si uno de nosotros está arriba y el otro no, gime hasta que “el otro” también se levanta. He intentado capturar su conversación en el video, pero él se calla cada vez. Cuando él no está hablando, siguiéndonos o guiándonos por la casa, o acechando pájaros con su hermano, generalmente se lo puede encontrar boca arriba con las piernas en el aire. ¡Y él no aprendió eso de mí!

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

20 thoughts on “Moose the Multiloquent / Moose el Multilocuente”

  1. Moose sounds like quite the character! And a talker too! A sign of intelligence I say.
    Sophie will only converse with me…..not Ron for some reason. We’ve been doing it for a few years now. She gets right into it. Quite funny when they do this, eh?

    1. Jim:
      isn’t that fascinating that Sophie talks to you and not Ron. She obviously adores you both. Maybe she figures you need more instruction.

  2. “he can usually be found on his back with his legs in the air. And he didn’t learn that from me!” – then moose must have learned it from SG then! moose is quite the social being, isn’t he? and SO handsome too! wanna rub that belleh!

    1. anne marie:
      He doesn’t even mind belly rubs sometimes, but prefers under the pits… and anywhere else. And, yes, he must have learned it from SG. I was pure as the driven snow.

  3. “he can usually be found on his back with his legs in the air. And he didn’t learn that from me!” Poor San Geraldo isn’t even here to defend himself!!!!!

    I like this background on the cats. I love them both, but Moose just rules!!!!!!

    1. Mistress Maddie:
      Moose is SO loving and attentive. Dudo is SO smart. San Geraldo used to be quite a…

  4. Moose, like Dudo, is adorable, and bossy and playful, and needy and all those things that make us love cats.

    Sidenote: Tuxedo is also a back sleeper.

    1. Bob:
      Moose is on his back again. Dudo just had his after-coffee treat and there are birds outside. He’s got no interest in us.

    1. Judy:
      Great opportunities on his back since then, but I’ve got enough photos! He kind of adorable.

    1. Snoskred:
      Aren’t they? And so photogenic. Our first two cats were all black. I think I got two good photos of one of them over the course of 14 years!

  5. He’s a pack cat! More like a dog than a kitty behavior. Cute as the devil though

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