Something to Hide / Algo que Esconder

I MAY HAVE told you before I’m not a fan of camouflage clothing. It’s just a matter of personal taste. I’m not a hunter. I’m not in the military. I don’t have plans to overthrow a government. Camo doesn’t seem to serve much purpose, especially living here on the beach. So, I’m always a bit surprised when I spot a tourist in camouflage. What I find even more surprising is when I spot a tourist in camouflage tops and bottoms that don’t match. I mean what’s the point?

So, when I saw the man below, I pulled out my camera to capture the absurdity of his outfit in our leafless, colorful environment.

But as Camo Man continued walking, I discovered he knew exactly what he was doing. (Although, the bald pate, bare skin, blue sneakers, and plastic bag did give him away.)

I suddenly remember that I DID have a camouflage pattern item of clothing. It was a woven silk neck tie I purchased at Nordstrom’s in the ’90s. It was ridiculously expensive and so elegant I didn’t realize it was camouflage until I wore it the first time. Unfortunately, it didn’t disappear into the background of my dress shirts.


PUDE HABERTE DICHO antes que no soy un fanático de la ropa de camuflaje. Es solo una cuestión de gusto personal. No soy un cazador. No estoy en el ejército. No tengo planes de derrocar a un gobierno. El camu no parece tener mucho propósito, especialmente vivir aquí en la playa. Entonces, siempre estoy un poco sorprendido cuando veo a un turista en camuflaje. Lo que encuentro aún más sorprendente es cuando veo a un turista en la parte superior e inferior de camuflaje que no coinciden. Quiero decir, ¿qué sentido tiene?

Entonces, cuando vi al hombre de abajo, saqué mi cámara para capturar lo absurdo de su atuendo en nuestro entorno colorido y sin hojas.

Pero mientras “Hombre Camu” continuaba caminando, descubrí que él sabía exactamente lo que estaba haciendo. (Aunque, el paté calvo, la piel desnuda, las zapatillas de deporte azules, y la bolsa de plástico lo delataron).

De repente recuerdo que sí tenía ropa de camuflaje. Era una corbata de seda tejida que compré en Nordstrom en los años ’90. Era ridículamente caro y tan elegante que no me di cuenta de que era camuflaje hasta que lo usé la primera vez. Desafortunadamente, no desapareció en el fondo de mis camisas de vestir.


Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

15 thoughts on “Something to Hide / Algo que Esconder”

    1. David:
      I see this regularly. I saw one guy whose socks and hat were also camouflage. (Or maybe I didn’t see him.)

  1. Maybe he wants to fit in with everybody else, but he is too conservative for flowers and plaids. At least his shorts legs are the same length. Must’ve missed that memo.

    1. Deedles:
      I was disappointed his shorts legs were even. Clearly not from around here.

  2. Sad to say, but living in SC I have seen my share of camouflage prom dresses and tuxedos.
    Yes, I have, and I can never unsee them.

    1. I’m trying to figure out if that last picture is photoshopped. I can’t tell where the ground ends. He looks like he’s floating.

      1. Kirk:
        Photoshopped? I would never do anything like that. But isn’t camouflage amazing? EVERYTHING blends into one.

    2. Bob:
      On our drive from California to South Dakota in 2011, we saw more camouflage than I had seen in my lifetime. I’ve seen PICTURES of camouflage dresses and tuxedos, but I was never in close proximity.

    1. Urspo:
      I see camouflage and expect to see a rifle. Therefore, I cringe when I see camouflage.

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