Ever After / Para Siempre

La versión español está después de la versión inglés.

SAN GERALDO READS depressing books. I was going to say he ENJOYS reading depressing books but that seems like an oxymoron. He also watches depressing videos and films. When we used to drive from San Diego to Palm Springs for a few days, I would spend those days floating in the pool and visiting with other guests. San Geraldo would spend those days in our room with a stack of depressing videos from Blockbuster. Just catching 10 seconds of something as I walked past to use the toilet would have me in tears. I tell him, “Life is depressing enough.”

San Geraldo is known for being charming, kind, loving, interesting, surprising, and unusual. However, he is not known for being a constant little ray of sunshine — although he always does tend to make people smile. So, when he tells people about the depressing films and books he prefers, the standard question is, “Why?”

Well, one afternoon in Trondheim, Cousin Tora and I went sightseeing. We visited the cathedral, a museum neither of us thought much of, walked all over town, had coffee, and stopped in her favorite bookstore, Outland, which specializes in science fiction, fantasy, comics, and action & adventure. It’s a perfect fit for Tora who not only loves all these genres, but is an avid reader who prefers reading in English. (I’m in awe.) We came upon what Tora told me was a new section with LGBTQ themes and I immediately spotted something on the shelf whose title seemed a perfect fit for San Geraldo. So I bought it.


SAN GERALDO LEE libros deprimentes. Iba a decir que DISFRUTA leyendo libros deprimentes, pero eso parece un oxímoron. También él ve videos y películas deprimentes. Cuando solíamos conducir de San Diego a Palm Springs por unos días, yo pasaba esos días flotando en la piscina y visitando a otros huéspedes. San Geraldo pasábamos esos días en nuestra habitación con una pila de videos deprimentes de Blockbuster. Solo atrapar 10 segundos de algo mientras pasaba para usar el baño me haría llorar. Le digo: “La vida es lo suficientemente deprimente”.

San Geraldo es conocido por ser encantador, amable, amoroso, interesante, sorprendente, e inusual. Sin embargo, no es conocido por ser un pequeño rayo de sol constante, aunque siempre tiende a hacer sonreír a la gente. Entonces, cuando le cuenta a la gente sobre las películas y libros deprimentes que prefiere, la pregunta estándar es: “¿Por qué?”

Bueno, una tarde en Trondheim, la prima Tora y yo fuimos a hacer turismo. Visitamos la catedral, un museo en el que ninguno de nosotros pensó mucho, caminamos por la ciudad, tomamos café, y nos detuvimos en su librería favorita, Outland, que se especializa en ciencia ficción, fantasía, cómics y acción y aventura. Es perfecto para Tora, que no solo ama todos estos géneros, sino que es un ávido lector que prefiere leer en inglés. (Estoy asombrado). Nos encontramos con lo que Tora me dijo que era una nueva sección con temas LGBTI e inmediatamente vi algo en el estante cuyo título parecía encajar perfectamente con San Geraldo. Entonces lo compré.

Maybe so, but WE will live happily ever after.
Tal vez sea así, pero viviremos felices para siempre.


Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

15 thoughts on “Ever After / Para Siempre”

  1. They say opposites attract……..keeps us on our toes!
    How boring would it be if our husbands/partners were exactly like us?!

  2. I have to space the depressing books about death and dying (professional reading) with fun stuff, ir they kind of get me down anymore.

    1. David,
      I’d have a hard time if I had to read that genre for work, too. But I also space those books out.

  3. Awwww, love that plate! Is it his Nordic blood that makes San Geraldo love depressing things? It seems to be a characteristic of the Nordic temperament — Ibsen, Ingmar Bergman, Soren Kierkegaard, etc.

    1. Debra,
      I never thought about the Ingmar Bergman connection! His mother sure didn’t share that trait. But oh how SG loves those films. A friend had the plate made for us when we left San Diego for San Francisco… as if that was going the be the end of our search for bliss!

  4. One man’s depressing is another man’s happy wallowing hole. Live and let live, love and let love, and if I have to hear another Tom Clancy, or Clive Cussler audio book on the way to San Diego , I’m going to cry the whole nine to eleven hours!

    1. Deedles,
      Yep. Jerry says he likes his happy wallowing hole. I can only do it in small doses. I spent too much time in a wallowing hole… and it wasn’t happy.

  5. I tend to enjoy the more depressing films more than Carlos,though I like other genres as well. That said, the book tit;le intrigues me, and the hand-painted plate is wonderful.

    1. Bob,
      The plate was a gift from a San Diego friend when we moved to San Francisco. The book, according to Jerry is a fascinating story. I’m starting it today.

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