According to Emily Dickinson / De Acuerdo a Emily Dickinson

La versión español está después de la versión inglés.

I’VE BEEN A bit moody lately. Can you imagine?
If you know me at all, you can imagine.

I’ve tried to figure out what’s bringing me down THIS time.

Summer is over.
But I live on the Costa del Sol where it often feels like summer even when it’s not.

Our months of activity and travel have settled down.
But I wanted them to settle down.

We are surrounded by some pretty wonderful people.
We’re also surrounded by the rest of the human race (not all so wonderful).

San Geraldo has been suffering with seasonal allergies.
But, he made his excellent chicken soup (OK, that’s still kind of sad; SOMEONE should have made it FOR him). Although I did buy nice rolls at the bakery and Häagen-Dazs ice cream for dessert.

And, finally, it’s November and winter is approaching.
American poet Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) once wrote to a friend: “November always seemed to me the Norway of the year.” I wish this November would seem that way to me. THEN I’d be happy (maybe).

Speaking of Norway, I recently finished that book I bought for San Geraldo at Cousin Tora’s favorite bookstore in Trondheim (click here). Just as the title said: They [DO] both die at the end! Poor choice?

And speaking of choices, take a walk around town with me.


HE ESTADO UN poco malhumorado últimamente. ¿Puedes imaginar?
Si me conoces, te lo puedes imaginar.

He tratado de descubrir qué me está deprimiendo ESTA VEZ.
Se acabó el verano. Pero vivo en la Costa del Sol, donde el verano a menudo parece verano incluso cuando no lo es.

Nuestros meses de actividad y viajes se han calmado.
Pero quería que se establecieran.

Estamos rodeados de gente maravillosa.
También estamos rodeados por el resto de la raza humana (no todos son tan maravillosos).

San Geraldo sufre de alergias estacionales.
Pero, él hizo su excelente sopa de pollo (OK, eso todavía es un poco triste; ALGUIEN debería haberlo hecho por
ÉL). Aunque compré buenos panecillos en la panadería y el helado Häagen-Dazs para el postre.

Y, finalmente, es noviembre y se acerca el invierno.
La poeta estadounidense Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) le escribió una vez a una amiga: “Noviembre siempre me pareció la Noruega del año”.
Deseo que este noviembre me parezca así. ENTONCES sería feliz (quizas).

Hablando de Noruega, recientemente terminé el libro que compré para San Geraldo en la librería favorita de Prima Tora en Trondheim (haz clic aquí).
Y como dice el título: ¡Ambos mueren al final! ¿Mala elección?

Y hablando de opciones, dé un paseo por la ciudad conmigo.

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

28 thoughts on “According to Emily Dickinson / De Acuerdo a Emily Dickinson”

  1. Well those last two outfits explain what is bringing you down – bad fashion! 😉

    Sometimes there is no why, it just is. I often get that way when summer is over even though our summer goes on at least two more months.

    I will keep a good thought for you and send virtual *hugs* your way.

    1. Snoskred,
      I don’t know why I even look for reasons. I know it’s brain chemistry and I’ve lived with clinical depression most of my life. Thanks for the virtual hugs. They always help. And I’m fine at the moment.

  2. Lots of colors, and a 1 in 8 chance of a hot flash. The good news, the Democrats took control of the Virginia House and Senate and the Kentucky Governors office in yesterdays election. Even He Who Shall Not Be Named campaigning the night before the election in Kentucky, didn’t work for the a-hole incumbent.

  3. my SAD has kicked in big time with november being here. and I see the ladies suffer from the same color-blindness as the guys.

    1. Anne Marie,
      It’s always a relief to me when I can share photos of the women, too. It’s universal.

    1. Bob,
      Blue diaper shorts guy was nice to look at. Apparently shorter shorts are coming back in style, so maybe these guys will stop rolling their long shorts up.

  4. Just be thankful you are not bombarded daily with endless political news. It’s a train wreck: horrible, but one can’t help but to look…I’ve been addicted to the news and it’s really getting to me. I could use a couple of weeks in Costa del Sol!

    1. Frank,
      The first thing I do every morning is read online CNN , The Guardian, and HuffPost. Deadly! But it was worse when I was in NY in September and couldn’t avoid the tv news, headlines and signs everywhere. So we’re really grateful to be here where it’s more in our control.

  5. I’m only familiar with the one photograph of Emily Dickinson, when she was in her 20s. The one you show is new to me. Obviously taken at a later date, as she looks middle-aged.

    1. Kirk,
      I know the photo you mean… since 100s of the same one came up when I looked. I did find others a bit more interesting.

  6. Aren’t brain chemicals or something like that the reason behind unexplained low feelings? Also, I think Emily Dickinson libelled Norway.

    1. Debra,
      Oh yeah, it’s all brain chemistry and I’ve lived with it for years. I shouldn’t act as if I’m surprised or as if I need to find a reason. It’s just me. I agree about Emily Dickinson. I wonder if she was ever even there.

    1. Mistress Maddie,
      I shouldn’t question it. It’s what my bran does. This must be an insane time of year for you at work, on top of a busy social life. We’ve been really busy socially lately — all with great people — but it still takes its toll. I don’t know how you do it.

  7. I feel ya, bro (purely platonically, SG). Sometimes you just can’t figure out moodiness. Depression is a stone cold bitch who jumps out unexpectedly and slaps you upside the head for a while, and then leaves to strike another day! Too much?
    Now for the “fashion”, why? Talk about depressing, sheesh! Not as bad as online pictures of Walmartians, but still, WHY?!!!! My poor retinas have all but burnt out! These are new depths.

    1. Deedles,
      I’ve recently seen some of the worst combinations imaginable (to me) But was not in the right spots for pictures. Such a shame. At least this round of depression comes and goes and doesn’t have me at rock bottom. As we both well know, it will pass… and it will be back. At the moment, I’m frickin’ dandy!

  8. Yin and yang. That’s how I explain my ‘down’ times. Can’t possibly have one without the other. I think it is our body chemistry telling us it needs a little balance….thank you very much. Hang in there buddy.
    I read somewhere that the ‘time change’ can be very difficult on some people. Wish ‘they’, whoever they are, would leave it alone.

    1. Jim,
      With my clinical depression I do have challenges at changes of season and when the clocks are changed. This might be the last year for that stupid daylight savings time, but I’ll probably complain next year anyway. Yeah, brain chemistry is something else.

  9. Sometimes we forget all the “little happy” that is in our life. I have to remind myself of that everyday.
    The excitement of the season coming up and the fact we are not little children anymore. Life changes us and I find I look back at what my Mum used to do for us and all the little things we did together. I used to go out and look at all the decorations (not buy) and walk around. I can’t do that anymore but I try to find some small fun thing to look forward to. Plus I have so much work to catch up on. Hopefully by December 1st I will be somewhat caught up.
    I really can’t believe the fashion. I want to tell all the handsome bodies walking around with one leg of the swimsuits up. That is what happens naturally to chubby ladies who thighs rub together when walking in shorts and they have to keep pulling down one side. Not a good look.

    1. Parsnip,
      I shouldn’t whine. It’s simply my clinical depression. Sometimes I just can’t stay ahead of it. Mostly I’m fine. As for those shorts, I hesitate before taking photos just to make sure it’s not simply the fabric sliding up or accidentally tucking. I have some shorts that do that, too, and my thighs don’t even rub together.

  10. String some lights (not Christmas ones, just white twinkle ones). November is kind of a dank time of year. I put some lights in our bedroom and it feels so much better – light therapy works. Maybe you need something to look forward to? Like a trip or a dinner out/play/movie? Or a meetup with friends?

    1. Cheapchick,
      I really shouldn’t try to figure out why. I live with clinical depression. Lots of things have an impact but often no reason at all. Dinner out several times a week. Time with great friends and wonderful neighbors most days. Exercise. And still there are days!

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