A Crapper of My Own / Mi Propio Caganer

La versión español está después de la versión inglés.

I FINALLY JOINED in a Catalonian tradition this year. Barcelona, a 9.5-hour drive north from here, is in Catalonia. Some of you may remember the first time I learned about The Caganer. It was our first Christmas in Fuengirola. I was admiring the window display in a wonderful shop, called Moreno, in the center of town when I noticed an animated outhouse (click here) (and here for a Caganer from 2017). When the door opened, I saw a figure “doing his business.” I learned he’s called The Caganer (which means “The Pooper”) and has appeared in nativity scenes since the late 17th century in Catalonia and Catalan areas in Andorra, Valencia, and Southern France. The tradition even spread to Murcia (Spain), Portugal, and Naples (Italy). It’s become so popular that you can find most contemporary public figures as “El Caganer.”

This year, after making another video of The Caganer in the window of Moreno, I went inside and bought myself a little figurine. The most traditional Caganer is a peasant wearing a red stocking hat, a white shirt, and black trousers. I suppose I could have stuck with tradition, but my ceramic figurine is wearing an actual fabric hat. Besides, he had a much more substantial “purge.” Ah, the magic of Christmas.


FINALMENTE ME UNÍ a una tradición catalana este año. Barcelona, a 9,5 horas en coche hacia el norte desde aquí, se encuentra en Cataluña. Algunos de vosotros recordaráis la primera vez que aprendí sobre El Caganer. Fue nuestra primera Navidad en Fuengirola. Estaba admirando el escaparate de una maravillosa tienda, llamada Moreno, en el centro de la ciudad cuando noté una letrina animada (haz clic aquí) (y aqui para un Caganer de 2017). Cuando se abrió la puerta, vi una figura “haciendo su trabajo”. Me enteré de que se llamaba El Caganer y ha aparecido en belenes desde finales del siglo XVII en Cataluña y zonas catalanas en Andorra, Valencia, y el sur de Francia. La tradición incluso se extendió a Murcia (España), Portugal, y Nápoles (Italia). Se ha vuelto tan popular que puedes encontrar figuras públicas más contemporáneas como “El Caganer”.

Este año, después de hacer otro video del Caganer en la ventana de Moreno, entré y me compré una figurita. El Caganer más tradicional es un campesino que usa un gorro rojo, una camisa blanca, y pantalones negros. Supongo que podría haber quedado con la tradición, pero mi figura de cerámica lleva un sombrero de tela real. Además, tenía una “purga” mucho más sustancial. Ah, la magia de la Navidad.

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

24 thoughts on “A Crapper of My Own / Mi Propio Caganer”

  1. Ewwww! Somebody has been getting way too much fiber! Yes, I went there. I will be so much happier once all of this holiday crap is over 🙂

      1. Sure, and this is the results of unblocking oneself with a whole package of sugar free gummy bears! I hear things 🙂

      2. Deedles:
        Oh, man! Knowing I love jelly beans, my niece once bought me a bag of Jelly Bellys. I didn’t realize they were sugar-free, but it wouldn’t have mattered because I didn’t realize what sugar-free jelly beans do (when you eat an entire bag). I now know!

    1. Debra:
      I feel like I’ve become a bit more Spanish this week… although from another part of Spain.

  2. Some jokester from the 17 century created a tradition that lives on. So glad you bought your own pooper! Love that

    1. Mistress Maddie:
      The Duchess never started with “Oh.” She went right in with a breathy, appalled “Mitchell.” And you could never sound like her (and that’s a good thing).

    1. Janie:
      Probably a bit much. Maybe I should have gotten one a bit less extreme (but I liked the hat… and pipe).

    1. David:
      And they have all the latest celebrities and political figures, too. But I’d rather see someone crapping ON President Cheeto than seeing him crap.

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