Lockdown Day 8: Are We There Yet? / Encierro Día 8: ¿Ya Llegamos?

WE FINALLY HAD some sunshine Saturday. It didn’t last all day and Mother Nature continued to break wind, but we had some hours of sun. Dudo was ecstatic. He spent a good part of the day on the terrace. He hasn’t done that all week given the wind pounding the windows, the dreary skies, and the lack of warmth.

I found the day kind of draining, more than previous days. Perhaps because it was a great day for a long walk. Oh well. I exercised at home again, and did some cleaning and laundry. But, of special excitement was my trot down and up the stairs when I took out the trash and recycling.

Moose loves the fact that we’re home all day. Dudo, who rarely eats from his bowl … or poops or pees … if we’re nearby, would like us to leave every now and then, I think. However, he does seem to say at times, “As long as you’re here…”

Like right now, Dudo is currently sitting at my office door crunching on the plastic (thankfully) body of a black, furry mouse. A glance in my direction now and then means, “Come on. Let’s play fetch.” …

… Oh, sorry, I had to step away for a few minutes. When the mouse-crunching didn’t work, Dudo brought me his string. So, I played.

Anyway, the usual routine is I go out for coffee between 11 and 11:30. San Geraldo meets me, usually, around noon. I return around 1. Dudo and Moose expect their mid-day treat when I come home, before I go out for a walk. But, as long I’m here, Dudo figures he should get his treat at 11:15. I don’t agree. Unlike Moose, who is currently roaming the house meowing (in full voice), Dudo isn’t much of a talker. He makes little sounds to let us know what he’s thinking. In this case, every minute or so I’ll hear what sounds like “mwerp” and I’ll turn to see Dudo staring at me. And staring. And staring. It’s unsettling to say the least. After a while, Moose joins in with the staring. I make them wait until 12:30 at least. And I feel like I’ve won. But Dudo knows the truth.

Click the images to experience “the stare.”


FINALMENTE TUVIMOS UN poco de sol el sábado. No duró todo el día y la Madre Naturaleza continuó rompiendo el viento, pero tuvimos algunas horas de sol. Dudo estaba extasiado. Pasó buena parte del día en la terraza. No ha hecho eso en toda la semana dado el viento que golpeaba las ventanas, los cielos tristes y la falta de calor.

El día me pareció un poco agotador, más que los días anteriores. Quizás porque fue un gran día para una larga caminata. Oh bien. Volví a hacer ejercicio en casa e hice algo de limpieza y lavandería. Pero, de especial emoción fue mi trote por las escaleras cuando saqué la basura y el reciclaje.

A Moose le encanta el hecho de que estamos en casa todo el día. Dudo, que rara vez come de su tazón … o caca o orina … si estamos cerca, nos gustaría que nos vayamos de vez en cuando, creo. Sin embargo, parece decir a veces: “Mientras estés aquí …”

Como ahora, Dudo está sentado en la puerta de mi oficina crujiendo sobre el plástico (afortunadamente) cuerpo de un ratón negro y peludo. Una mirada en mi dirección de vez en cuando significa: “Vamos. Juguemos a buscar ”…

… Oh, lo siento, tuve que alejarme unos minutos. Cuando el crujido del ratón no funcionó, Dudo me trajo su cuerda. Entonces, jugué.

De todos modos, la rutina habitual es que salgo a tomar café entre las 11 y las 11:30. San Geraldo se encuentra conmigo, por lo general, alrededor del mediodía. Regreso alrededor de 1. Dudo y Moose esperan su aperitivo de medio día cuando llegue a casa, antes de salir a caminar. Entonces … mientras esté aquí, Dudo cree que debería recibir su regalo a las 11:15. No estoy de acuerdo A diferencia de Moose, que actualmente deambula por la casa maullando (en voz alta), Dudo no habla mucho. Hace pequeños sonidos para hacernos saber lo que está pensando. En este caso, cada minuto oiré lo que suena como “mwerp” y me volveré para ver a Dudo mirándome. Y mirando fijamente. Y mirando fijamente. Es inquietante por decir lo menos. Después de un rato, Moose se une a la mirada. Los hago esperar hasta las 12:30 como mínimo. Y siento que he ganado. Pero Dudo sabe la verdad.

Click the images to experience “the stare.”

I can still see you staring, Dudo! / Todavía puedo verte mirando, ¡Dudo!

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

30 thoughts on “Lockdown Day 8: Are We There Yet? / Encierro Día 8: ¿Ya Llegamos?”

    1. Steve:
      Our California cats didn’t have the stare. But we were both working and traveling so much that they were much more used to being on their own.

  1. Just maybe they/the cats know that it is important to keep you guys busy and distracted from what is happening outside……..maybe, right!!
    In any case Dudo is adorable! He did a great job of training you. lol

    1. anne marie:
      They’re life-savers. (Although I sometimes think I’m going to trip over the always-underfoot-Moose during the night, hit my head, and die!)

    1. David:
      Although SG gets up in the wee hours to feed the cats, Moose still doesn’t like me to sleep in and will sit at the foot of the bed yowling until I get up. This morning we were both in bed. SG and Moose had a discussion. Moose yowled. SG tried to get him to come back to bed with us. Moose yowled. SG said, “Moose. Only one of us is going to get his way and it’s not going to be you!” Moose yowled. I laughed and said. Oh, yeah?!? A moment later, we were both out of bed and Moose flipped on his side for petting.

    1. Debra:
      Thanks. I was pleased to catch it. Then again, they were at the point of the frozen stares. No movement until I pushed back my chair. Then it was the mad, paw-slipping, claw-scratching dash to the kitchen.

  2. I LOVELOVELOVE that photo!

    Yes, our cats, and the dog, are tring to get used to having both of us around a lot more. Tuxedo still gives me that, “Aren’t you going to work today?” look.

    And now, in addition to keeping Carlos occupied …he loves chasing a laser beam around the living room …I’ve three cats and a dog to entertain!

    1. Bob:
      There are three instances when Dudo seems to be annoyed we’re around. Litter box time, food dish time, and rumble with Moose time.

  3. Good day Mitchell!!! I think I will change my name to Jan Demic!!!

    Dudo has the widest, most biggest eyes I have seen on a cat!!! I want to pick them both up and hug them. Those are some great pictures. No it’s on to my coffee.

    1. Mistress Maddie:
      Oh, the drag names we will soon see! Dudo is a slender cat so I think his small face makes his eyes look even bigger. Also, have you noticed how Moose wears a mask while Dudo has dramatic eyeliner running from the inside bottoms of his eyes? He’s also unbelievably expressive. I didn’t think a cat could show so much expression. You should see when he gives us the fish eye.

  4. Echoing the Mistress, “My oh my Dudo” (if it really is he!) “What BIIIIIG eyes you’ve got!”

    Now you know EXACTLY how D & M have been feeling. You’ll be just like them watching birds from the balcony and not being able to do one darned thing about it! – But I bet they’ll sure be pleased to have you always near at hand to do their bidding.

    1. Raybeard:
      They are already used to us being here all the time. There’s going to be hell to pay when we’re allowed out again. Dudo has an uncannily expressive face. And I think because he doesn’t have as much FACE as Moose, his eyes look even bigger. Plus the markings…

    1. Urspo:
      Although they’re driving me nuts at times, they sure do make me happy. The affection they show!

    1. Deedles:
      It is SO creepy. Our California cats didn’t do it. These guys do it constantly.

  5. Just caught up on the last few posts… wow, those brownies… oh my heavens. Loved the East NY bathroom wallpaper, and the story–ha!! Your honor saved!
    We’re starting shelter-in-place here in St. Louis County (suburbs of city) and St. Louis City, Missouri, starting Monday (though we’ve been living it mostly, anyway). Schools closed starting last Wednesday. Thanks for keeping us in stitches and cat photos for the duration.

    1. Judy:
      We have managed to have brownies left after “all these days.” I hope the US gets its act together. So glad St. Louis is taking some control. May you all stay healthy and happy… and sane. I will try to keep the smiles coming every day. You can get the serious news elsewhere.

  6. Buddy absolutely loves having us home all the time. I am rationing his treats though 🙂 I’ve cleaned the whole house and now am on to secondary projects….

    1. Cheapchick:
      We were talking last night about what a nightmare it will be in this house when we are no longer on lockdown. The cats have gotten used to it.

  7. Love love love the photos but the last one is Fabulous !
    When cats or gud dugs peek around a corner just is so wonderful, makes me smile. thehamish used to peak around corners.
    Sons cats really don’t “play” i keep buying them toys but …….. He adopted them when they were 11 so they play sometimes but only if they want. I love that Dudo has a favorite string and wants you to play.

    1. Parsnip:
      Dudo started playing fetch with me within the first month they were with us. We had a very big apartment with large open space and every night when i was doing dinner dishes he would bring a mouse to the kitchen door. I would throw it across the house and he would bring it back. Again and again and again. All because I ONCE threw the mouse at that time of day.

  8. We don’t seem to be there yet, but I think I’m on the way. I have a sore throat and I’m feverish.


    1. janiejunebug:
      Oh, I hope it’s not covid-19 and, if it is, may it amount to nothing. Please stay in touch and let me know how you’re doing! Take good care of yourself.

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