Lockdown Day 64: Neath Thatch / Encierro Día 64: Debajo de Paja

La versión español está después de la versión inglés.

ACCORDING TO POET OGDEN NASH, “Neath tile or thatch that man is rich, who has a scratch for every itch.”

A nearby chiringuito (beach bar) is being renovated. It’s been going on since late last year and, after the initial demolition, all that remained of the original building were the cellar (I was surprised to see a cellar on the beach) and a few walls.

Thatched roofs aren’t an uncommon sight along the beach, but I had assumed they were installed in pre-fab panels. I was wrong. The new thatched roof is being painstakingly crafted for the chiringuito and it’s wonderful to watch. First comes a sturdy bamboo framework and then the thatch. Of course it’s nothing like the undulating thatched roofs still found in Great Britain, but it’s a wonder to me.

By the way, Ogden Nash also said, “Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.”

I haven’t had any liquor in more than 64 days. I need a drink. Seriously. While I wait for that first glass of something from Mesón Salvador at the end of the month, I picked up anti-inflammatories from the pharmacy after one solitary half hour of sleep. If this pain continues, I’ll be visiting urgent care in the morning. Oh, woe is I. And, no, I’m not feeling sorry for myself. I’m just whining. And, no, this is not as bad as childbirth I’m sure. Although Friday morning… Never mind.


SEGÚN EL POETA OGDEN NASH, “Neath tile or thatch that man is rich, who has a scratch for every itch.” [Debajo teja o paja un hombre es rico que tiene un rasguño por cada picazón].

Un chiringuito cercano está siendo renovado. Ha estado sucediendo desde fines del año pasado y, después de la demolición inicial, todo lo que quedaba del edificio original era el sótano (me sorprendió ver un sótano en la playa) y algunas paredes.

Los techos de paja no son una vista poco común a lo largo de la playa, pero supuse que estaban instalados en paneles prefabricados. Estaba equivocado. El nuevo techo de paja está siendo cuidadosamente diseñado para el chiringuito y es maravilloso verlo. Primero viene un marco de bambú resistente y luego la paja. Por supuesto, no se parece en nada a los techos de paja ondulados que todavía se encuentran en Gran Bretaña, pero para mí es una maravilla. En serio.

Por cierto, Ogden Nash también dijo: “Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.” [Un caramelo es bueno, pero el licor es más rápido]. No he tenido licor en más de 64 días. Necesito una bebida. Seriamente.

Mientras espero el primer vaso de algo de Mesón Salvador a fin de mes, recogí antiinflamatorios de la farmacia después de una media hora de sueño solitario. Si este dolor continúa, visitaré atención urgente por la mañana. Oh, ay de mí. Y no, no siento pena por mí mismo. Solo estoy lloriqueando. Y no, estoy seguro de que esto no es tan malo como el parto. Aunque el viernes por la mañana… No importa.

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

32 thoughts on “Lockdown Day 64: Neath Thatch / Encierro Día 64: Debajo de Paja”

  1. Bloody hell! The cellar is quite substantial, I always imagined the chiringuitos had flimsy foundations ie a few bits of wood laid upon some hastily placed breeze blocks.
    Wonder if it is impervious to the wild storms that occasionally occur here

    1. TPA (aka Anon):
      Surprising, isn’t it? I also imagined flimsy foundations but as I think about it, the foundation would have to be sturdy and deep to survive on the beach.

  2. Fascinating to see and watch this being done. I am wondering if this will stand up to the ‘cyclonic winds’ that you guys get there along the shore? It does look pretty heavy duty all those layers of thatch.
    Hope your pain will subside soon, Mitch. Do you have any idea what is causing this flare up? I had sciatica once for a couple of days. Very painful/uncomfortable. Our massage therapist did his magic a couple of times and it (knock wood) hasn’t returned.
    Sending healing energy your way…….

    1. Jim:
      Many of the chiringuitos have thatch roofs and I haven’t seen them destroyed in SG’s cyclonic winds.

      I can never figure out what causes or ends the sciatica flare-ups. Whenever I think I understand, the opposite occurs. I’m waiting to hear back from a physiotherapist this morning. Last night was again the pits. Thanks for the healing energy; the windows are open.

  3. That is quite the reno. I’d like to see it done.

    I haven’t had any liquor since … what time is it? Yeah.

    1. Bob:
      I wish I had photos of the place before. Will definitely get photos of the After. I am so looking forward to a drink. I’ve debated some days buying something for the house, but I don’t like to drink alone.

  4. mistress maddie is going to be appalled at the “no booze” remark. she can’t go 5 minutes without gin.

    what is giving you so much pain, the ankle or something else? 🙁

    yes, the thatching is interesting, but the spanish assets even more so!

    1. anne marie:
      Sciatica in the hip. I wrote Friday about my most recent bout. It sucks. Hoping to get professional help today. And I see Maddie has responded!

  5. I hope the pain subsides. Amazing renovation. To bad they weren’t able to keep working during the shut down, here construction kept working, with some added rules. Hence my bathroom replacement was done under the stay at home order.

    1. David:
      I think it was the first 30 days, maybe less, that construction was not allowed. The weather was awful anyway, so they wouldn’t have gotten much done. At least they’re not losing any business right now due to construction!

  6. Hoping you get some relief (medicinally or otherwise) from the sciatica. That kind of pain makes thinking a chore, much less trying to get any decent sleep. Possibly brought on by your ankle injury as that situation often changes your body mechanics (such as walking with a limp). Ends up putting more pressure on other areas not used to it. At least that was true for me. A bitter pill to have one part of your body heal, only to find another pain somewhere else.

    Surprised as you to see that kind of cellar on a beach building. Have seen thatch roof worked on in UK. Fascinating process. Those kind of artisans have mad skills.

    1. Mary:
      Hoping to see a professional today for the sciatica. Not brought on by ankle. Maybe by walking on the beach so much? Maybe by nothing other than this is what it does. Every time I think I understand why it starts and then stops, it doesn’t work the same way next time. No clue really. The UK thatched roofs are so fluid and grand. I really admire the artisans.

    1. Debra:
      Well, at least I slept during the day yesterday. Second and third doses didn’t do as well. This, too, shall pass.

  7. So, welcome to the “Pain Club” or my favorite, it’s subsidiary, the “Rotating Pain Club” both of which require endless tossing and turning and rumination each night. 12-hour Anti-inflammatory after dinner (don’t take on an empty stomach) and slow release acetaminophen at bed time seems to help for the rotator cuff and some other pains…but nothing (OTC) really touches sciatica.

    There’s no construction in our town on pueblo land. It’s pretty boring right now as the restaurant, golf course, and convenience store are all closed for COVID19 and there’s nothing between here and Santa Fe, 35 miles away.

    1. Frank:
      What I REALLY hate is whenever a little something goes wrong now, the first sentence I invariably see is: “Common in patients over 60.” Hoping to get help today.

  8. hope you get some relief, Mitchell. There are a lot of thatch roofs around here, basically of 2 different sorts depending on the kind of palm leaf used – thatch palm or cohune palm. Both are very pleasing to look at. At some point next year we hope to add a thatch-roofed palapa to the end of our dock. I can just envision relaxing with drinks as sun goes down . . . .

    1. Wilma:
      Ooh, I have a vision of that palapa at the end of your dock. Paradise.

  9. I am sorry you are in so much pain, perhaps you will get some relief now from the anti inflammatories. Hopefully you will be able to attend that beach bar someday soon. Are you not allowed liquor(as in can’t buy it)or are you saving it for when you can go back to your most-loved restaurants?

    1. Cheapchick:
      The first pill worked like a charm. After that, not much help. Oh well. We’re allowed liquor and it’s sold in the supermarkets so very easy to come by (and cheap). I just don’t tend to drink at home anymore. I don’t drink much and SG drinks next to nothing, so I’d be drinking alone. So I had decided to save myself for when Mesón Salvador reopens. I learned yesterday that they plan to wait until the end of this month. Primavera reopened this week but only for take-away and delivery.

  10. A cellar on the beach?! I have never seen anything like that! Maybe Spain’s beaches are more geologically stable than Florida’s, where a beach cellar would surely be washed away sooner rather than later.

    I always thought Dorothy Parker was responsible for the “Candy is Dandy” line, but I see online that that is a common misconception!

    Sorry about the continued sciatic pain. Ugh.

    1. Steve:
      If I consider the geography of Florida, I would imagine that, yes, our beaches must be more stable. Mountain ranges running all along the coastline, rocky outcroppings. Still, the cellar surprised me. I, too, used to think it was Dorothy Parker. And, oh yeah, the sciatica. Hoping for help today.

    2. I’ve also heard “candy is dandy, but sex won’t rot your teeth.” Supposedly attributed to Marilyn Monroe.

      1. Susan:
        I’d never heard that one. It sounds like something someone would attribute to Marilyn Monroe! I’ll stick with liquor.

  11. I haven’t had sex in two and half months, a record for me….. If I had to go 64 days without gin, wine, martini, or beer yet…I would be going plum loco by know!!! I have to have at least one vice. Which reminds me, I haven’t had a gin since noon!!!!!

    1. Mistress Maddie:
      Just made me think of the song, “Don’t drink, don’t smoke, what do you do?” No sex may be easier to tolerate when sober. Come to think of it…. naaaaaah!

    1. larrymuffin:
      At some times in my life I couldn’t have gone even an afternoon without liquor. Easy to do now. I don’t drink much. But I’m imagining that first sip. I’m holding out for Mesón Salvador.

      1. larrymuffin:
        The original owner, José’s father, was Salvador. But it IS appropriate in the other sense, too.

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