Lockdown Day 95: I Don’t Want to Get Over / Encierro Día 95: No Quiero Superar

La versión español está después de la versión inglés.

I HAD TWO GLASSES OF wine with dinner last night. I also had three French fries (because Primavera makes the best French fries in creation). San Geraldo used to order a bowl as an appetizer for himself. Last night he shared with me and our friends Tynan and Elena. We haven’t had French fries in months.

I had a main course of pluma iberica (a cut of pork from black ibérico pigs that range freely across the oak forests of southwestern Spain), and freshly made tiramisu for dessert (with a candle in it… that I’m pretty sure I removed before eating), followed by one-and-a-half glasses of after-dinner wine (mine and San Geraldo’s) selected by Miguel — superb.

I slept fitfully and woke up with a hangover. Yes, that’s all it takes. Maybe if I had stuck to drinking like a fish all these years, I wouldn’t have this problem.

The top photo is what I did not eat last night. Anyway, everything I had was organic!


ANOCHE TOMÉ DOS COPAS DE vino (ribera) con la cena. También tuve tres papas fritas (porque Primavera hace las mejores papas fritas en la creación y decidimos vivir peligrosamente). San Geraldo solía pedir un plato como aperitivo para sí mismo. Anoche compartió conmigo y nuestros amigos Tynan y Elena. No hemos comido papas fritas en meses.

Tuve un plato principal de pluma iberica, y tiramisú recién hecho para el postre (con una vela dentro … que estoy bastante seguro de haber quitado antes de comer), seguido de un vaso y medio de vino dulce (el mío y el de San Geraldo) seleccionado por Miguel — excelente.

Dormí a ratos y me desperté con resaca. Sí, eso es todo lo que se necesita beber. Tal vez si me hubiera aferrado a beber como un pez todos estos años, no tendría este problema.

La foto de arriba es lo que no comí anoche. De todos modos, ¡todo lo que tenía era orgánico!

Miguel, smiling with his eyes.
Miguel, sonriendo con los ojos.
The sweetest hangover. “If there’s a cure for this, I don’t want it.”
La resaca más dulce. “Si hay una cura para esto, no la quiero”.


Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

22 thoughts on “Lockdown Day 95: I Don’t Want to Get Over / Encierro Día 95: No Quiero Superar”

  1. A hangover from 3.5 glasses? Yikes. Now I feel like a drunk! It must be great to be able to get out and have dinner with friends.

    1. Steve:
      It IS great. We’re a bit concerned about when the borders re-open (with controls) 1 July. We ourselves might go back to being more anti-social. Right now it’s a pleasure.

    1. Deedles:
      Orgasmic was perfectly suitable. You can imagine I’m sure the noises we make while we eat.

  2. Look at all the love – you sure don’t want a cure for that! SG seems to be concentrating his love into a smaller physique.

  3. Looks like the perfect evening for you all.
    Makes being 66 worth it, eh?
    Now to Miss Daina…….I just played this for Ron as he came in from the garden………we could not remain seated! Thanks for this dance on a very warm day! Brought back very good memories.

  4. Being warm and moist from an hour of pruning ~ I started to dance and I said that I thought that we were back on The Turret dance floor (one of
    Halifax’s gay bars of the 1970’s) ~ hot and sweaty and in love.

    1. Cheapchick:
      You and I are alike (now). I used to drink a bottle by myself. But the tiramisu is what put me over the top, I think.

    1. Bob:
      That would normally be the case, but I only had three. It was the wine in combination with the tiramisu.

  5. I’ve been dreaming of tiramisu. Maybe the time has come to get a recipe and see if I can make it at home?

  6. ah, good food, good friends, good booze. what more is there to want from life! I love tiramisu! a nice way to spend your birthday. and that’s one of my fave miss ross songs!

  7. What happened to Jerry’s beard? Seems i should be reading your blog more often.
    And that food looks magnificent.


    1. Rozzie:
      Jerry’s beard comes and goes. Mine used to until I ran out of hair on my head to compensate.

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