I’ll have another / Tendré otro

La versión en español está después de la versió en inglés.

SAN GERALDO AND I WERE lazy last night. He didn’t feel like cooking and I didn’t feel like washing up after. So, we went to Mesón Salvador for dinner. Our second home.

San Geraldo had ribs again. They’re always good but, you know how sometimes even your favourite thing tastes better than usual? That’s how the ribs were for him last week. And they didn’t disappoint this week. For some reason, he keeps ordering chips (French fries) instead of vegetables, even though he can’t finish the chips. I had pluma Iberica, a pork end loin from those acorn-fed black Iberico pigs.

The Cuñados were on duty last night. Sergio and David (Bar David as opposed to Chef David) are married to sisters. Cuñado means brother-in-law. I think I’ve explained before that when David joined the team, he and Sergio already called each other Cuñado, so the entire staff picked up on it as a way of not confusing the two Davids.

However, this is Andalusia with it’s own take on Spanish. One afternoon I said good-bye to Cuñado and Sergio corrected my pronunciation. In Andalusian Spanish, which I should make clear is not proper Spanish, the “d” is dropped and the word sounds like “cuñOW-oh.”

When San Geraldo was taking classes locally, his teacher would teach a word, write it on the white board, and then cross out the letters that would not be pronounced if you spoke Andalusian. After a bit of practice, I can now perfectly pronounce cuñado, I mean cuñowoh, like a local.

SG and I ordered our new favourite fried cod as a starter. I (we) need to learn that if we’re going to have a fried cod starter, we need to order a lighter main course. We need to learn, but we don’t seem to learn. So there was no room for dessert or coffee.

But Sergio wouldn’t let us leave right away. Cuñado was making special chupitos for us — without alcohol for SG. They were exquisite to look at and exquisitely delicious. I have no idea what was in them, but I want another. I’ll ask Cuñado for the ingredients the next time I’m there.

We were so overstuffed last night that neither of us slept much. We’ll have to have a siesta before we meet Tynan, Elena, and family for pizza tonight.

I FORGOT TO MENTION, Sergio saved two tables for us, so we could sit side-by-side facing out, our preferred seating during the pandemic. We thanked him and he said, in English, “For you, I go all the way.” When we laughed and told him what that meant, he didn’t take it back. Ah, Sergio. As I said, I’ll have another. (But don’t tell his wife.)


SAN GERALDO Y YO FUÍMOS vagos anoche. Él no tenía ganas de cocinar y yo no tenía ganas de lavar después. Entonces, fuimos a cenar al Mesón Salvador. Nuestro segundo hogar.

San Geraldo volvió a tener costillas. Siempre son buenos pero, ¿sabes cómo a veces incluso tu cosa favorita sabe mejor de lo habitual? Así le quedaron las costillas la semana pasada. Y no decepcionaron esta semana. Por alguna razón, sigue pidiendo patatas fritas (patatas fritas) en lugar de verduras, aunque no se las puede acabar. Tomé pluma ibérica, un lomo de cerdo de esos cerdos ibéricos negros alimentados con bellota. Los Cuñados estaban de servicio anoche. Sergio y David (Bar David a diferencia del Chef David) están casados ​​con hermanas. Creo que he explicado antes que cuando David se unió al equipo, él y Sergio ya se llamaban Cuñado, por lo que todo el personal lo entendió como una forma de no confundir a los dos David.

Sin embargo, esto es Andalucía con su propia versión del español. Una tarde me despedí de Cuñado y Sergio corrigió mi pronunciación. En el español andaluz, que debo aclarar que no es el español correcto, se quita la “d” y la palabra suena como “cuñOW-oh”.

Cuando San Geraldo estaba tomando clases, la maestra le enseñaba una palabra, la escribía en la pizarra, y luego tachaba las letras que no se pronunciarían si hablara andaluz. Con un poco de práctica, ahora puedo pronunciar perfectamente cuñado — perdón, cuñowoh — como un local.

SG y yo pedimos nuestro nuevo favorito, bacalao frito, como entrante. Tenemos que aprender que si vamos a tener un entrante de bacalao frito, tenemos que pedir un plato principal más ligero. Necesitamos aprender, pero parece que no aprendemos. Así que no había lugar para el postre ni para el café.

Pero Sergio no nos dejó irnos enseguida. Cuñado estaba haciendo chupitos especiales para nosotros, sin alcohol para SG. Eran exquisitos a la vista y exquisitamente deliciosos. No tengo idea de lo que había en ellos, pero quiero otro. Le pediré a Cuñado los ingredientes la próxima vez que esté allí.

Estábamos tan abarrotados anoche que ninguno de los dos durmió mucho. Tendremos que echar una siesta antes de encontrarnos con Tynan, Elena y su familia para comer pizza esta noche.

ME OLVIDÉ DE MENCIONAR, Sergio nos reservó dos mesas para que pudiéramos sentarnos uno al lado del otro, mirando hacia afuera, nuestro asiento preferido durante la pandemia. Le agradecimos y dijo, en inglés: “For you, I go all the way” y eso, en esencia, significa “tendré sexo contigo” o “recorre todo el camino”. Cuando nos reímos y le dijimos lo que eso significaba, no se echó atrás. Ah, Sergio. Como dije, tendré otro. (Pero no se lo digas a su esposa).

Sergio brought me his favourite beer — because he and the beer are from Granada. It was as good as Sergio.
Sergio me trajo su cerveza favorita, porque él y la cerveza son de Granada. Fue tan bueno como Sergio.
It wasn’t easy to separate Sergio from the bottle.
No fue fácil separar a Sergio de la botella.
A different kind of olives this week. Unlike last week’s, these didn’t smell like rosemary. They smelled like olives and they were incredibly good. However, I had to move the bowl far away from San Geraldo’s sniffer.
Un tipo diferente de aceitunas esta semana. A diferencia de los de la semana pasada, estos no olían a romero. Olían a aceitunas y estaban increíblemente buenas. Sin embargo, tuve que alejar el cuenco de la naríz de San Geraldo.
The brothers-in-law in the background.
Los cuñados en el fondo.


Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

28 thoughts on “I’ll have another / Tendré otro”

  1. I’m looking forward to breakfast as I read this, but now I plan dinner as well. It may be as filling but not as fulfilling I’m afraid.

    1. Wilma:
      SG usually hates fruity drinks and says they taste medicinal. I was surprised how much he liked this. It was really delicious, with or without alcohol.

      1. Raybeard:
        It’s fun to capture facial expressions despite the masks. Sergio has a twinkle.

    1. Debra:
      The photo isn’t all that flattering (of Sergio, not of the beer). He is one of our favourite people. SO exceptional.

  2. Your food photos of that restaurant are always excellent. Would not be surprised to see the bus loads of tourists arriving there once the P has passed.

    1. larrymuffin:
      Thankfully, we don’t often have busloads of tourists showing up here. Uf!

    1. Mistress Maddie:
      You would have a ball with the Spanish tapas. I used to do that regularly at Mesón Salvador and should do it again. Great variety and no huge plate. Our friends often order that way.

    1. Steve:
      Just like American regional dialects. Consonants are dropped regularly. As my New York City mother said, “the R is silent.” Here, the D especially is often silent.

  3. I LOVE the look of that fried cod……looks yummy indeed.
    We ate a lot of cod when we lived on the west coast. Not as popular here on the east coast.
    I can feel the love when you guys visit this place.

    1. Jim:
      That’s bacalao and it’s everywhere here. WE always feel the love there. And to think we simply stumbled upon it for lunch when we were looking for an apartment.

    1. Urspo:
      We went out for pizza (and nachos and tzatziki) the other night. Really good. Other than that, it’s Mesón Salvador perhaps once a week now. But so good. Before the pandemic we were out 4 or 5 nights a week.

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