If you’re happy and you know it / Si estás feliz y lo sabes

La versión en español está después de la versíon en inglés.

I MENTIONED AT THE END of yesterday’s blog post that I was either going to explore some more or go to the beach. I didn’t do either. I had a sudden mood crash and took a very long siesta.

Today I met a new friend to give English lessons, which is also a great way for me to improve my Spanish. I thought we would spend an hour together. We spent 2-1/2. We could have gone on all day. What an absolute joy. And we’re meeting again Wednesday.

San Geraldo and I had a delightful lunch at home. I washed the dishes. And I crashed again. All I can do right now is go with the flow or maybe more appropriately, roll with the punches. Or as San Geraldo would say, “roll with the flow” and “go with the punches.” Either way, I get knocked down (but I’ll get up again).

To add to all the crap in the world currently getting me (and so many others) down, yesterday would have been my sister Dale’s 69th birthday. She died 39-1/2 years ago. Sometimes it still hurts.

Cristina recently taught 18-month old Maria the English song “If you’re happy and you know it (clap your hands).” I was a camper briefly during my childhood and I was a camp counselor for several years beginning when I was 15. I spent enough time singing that song to never want to hear it again. Or so I thought. But seeing the joy on Maria’s face when she heard the words brought the song new life for me. I hope she’ll perform it again when she’s back for a visit in October. Maybe I’m happy and I just don’t know it. Clap your hands and visit our terrace.


MENCIONÉ AL FINAL DE LA entrada de ayer que iba a explorar un poco más o ir a la playa. Yo tampoco lo hice. Tuve un repentino colapso de humor y tomé una siesta muy larga.

Hoy conocí a una nueva amiga para dar lecciones de inglés, lo que también es una excelente manera de mejorar mi español. Pensé que pasaríamos una hora juntos. Pasamos 2-1 / 2. Podríamos haber seguido todo el día. Qué alegría más absoluta. Y nos reuniremos de nuevo el miércoles.

San Geraldo y yo tuvimos un delicioso almuerzo en casa. Lave los platos. Y me estrellé de nuevo. Todo lo que puedo hacer ahora es seguir la corriente o tal vez más apropiadamente, rodar con los golpes. O como diría San Geraldo, “rodar con la corriente” y “ir con los golpes”. De cualquier manera, caigo noqueado (pero me vuelvo de levantar).

Para agregar a toda la basura del mundo que actualmente me está deprimiendo (y a muchos otros), ayer habría sido el cumpleaños número 69 de mi hermana Dale. Murió hace 39 años y medio. A veces todavía me duele.

Cristina le enseñó recientemente a María, de 18 meses, la canción en inglés “Si eres feliz y lo sabes (aplaude)”. Fui campista brevemente durante mi infancia y fui consejero de campamento durante varios años, comenzando cuando tenía 15 años. Pasé suficiente tiempo cantando esa canción como para no querer volver a escucharla nunca más. O eso pensé. Pero ver la alegría en el rostro de María cuando escuchó la letra me dio nueva vida a la canción. Espero que lo vuelva a interpretar cuando regrese de visita en octubre. Tal vez estoy feliz y simplemente no lo sé. Aplauda y visite nuestra terraza.

Dudo spotted a bug a half hour ago. I think he’s still out there.
Dudo detectó un error hace media hora. Creo que todavía está ahí fuera.
Like red velvet.
Como terciopelo rojo.
Clap your hands!


Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

26 thoughts on “If you’re happy and you know it / Si estás feliz y lo sabes”

  1. I would venture to guess it is perfectly reasonable to feel down at this time of year around your beloved sister’s birthday. It doesn’t matter how long ago her passing was, your love for her is still with you.

    That little Maria is so precious! She always makes me smile.

  2. The ‘crashing’ is completely understandable. I’ve felt like that since Friday night. Really struggled through the weekend–focused on laundry/cleaning…anything but the news. Have my own slightly older version of a Maria with me four days a week now. First grade GS is doing his virtual schooling with me. Helping me to keep my priorities straight while I try to make his learning as much fun as possible. Break times consist of kickball (indoor hallway during not nice weather–heaven help the pictures on the wall), playing cars and walking the dog. Whether I will be able to keep up with all the running kickball involves remains to be seen.

    Dale would have been near to my age (70 in Dec). From things you have said about her, playing kickball at this age would have been right up her alley. Thinking of you.

    1. Mary:
      That’s so exciting about teaching your grandson. I would really enjoy that. You’ll keep up with all the running and you’ll sleep REALLY well at night! It’s impossible for me to imagine Dale at this age. Unbelievable to me that so much time has passed.

  3. I got your Chumbawumba reference even before I saw the video! Your balcony is looking great, and I love seeing all your plants (and Dudo the bug-hunter). It’s perfectly understandable to be down. There’s a lot to be down about. But all things shall pass! (As I keep telling myself.)

    1. Steve:
      Yep, all things SHALL pass. It would be nice, though, if they all didn’t feel like kidney stones!

    1. Urpso:
      Whenever Isabel is here to clean, we hear at least one shriek from the terrace and we know she just backed into a cactus.

  4. Bravo!….he said clapping his hands! What a cutie Maria is.
    So much going on in the world around us that it is no wonder we all need to escape from it all once in a while. We all ‘crash’ in our own ways. So yes, going with the flow is the only way. Or teaching English may be another way.

    1. Jim:
      Teaching English is so much fun for me and my latest “student” is a pleasure to spend time with and get to know. I don’t think she appreciates how grateful I am to her. I’m rolling with the punches.

    1. anne marie:
      Yesterday was like a summer day. Today is another one. I have GOT to get out and enjoy it… or at least absorb it.

  5. Oh my goodness….. your cactus looks so much better than mine ! ! !
    Your catties are growng so nicely also.

    1. Parsnip:
      Even the cactus are a constant battle on our terrace. Aphids and white flow on our flowering plants. Scale on the cacti. SG cleans the cacti with cotton swabs!

  6. Some of those cacti look like they are getting ready to clap their hands! They sure look happy, almost as happy as Maria. I woke up the other day (about a week ago, really)at 3:30AM and discovered that I was outrageously happy. I think I was so happy in my sleep that it woke me up! I am still happy and will roll with it while it lasts. A bobble in happiness due to current events, but still amazingly happy all things considered. Hope you wake up with happiness.

    1. Wilma:
      I love cacti because they tend to be slow growers. Not on our terrace! And we have one we moved from our terrace to our front hall. It’s a tower that will probably hit the ceiling next year. Oh no! I’m rarely happy in my sleep, which has been part of the problem lately. I wake from disturbing dreams and have to fight my way out of those feelings every day. 3:30 and outrageously happy sounds amazing!

  7. I imagine the crash had a little something to do with the anniversary, and the weather change and the world and and and … just roll with the flow and snuggle a cat … or a husband.
    Coudln’t hurt.

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