Are we having fun yet? / ¿Estamos teniendo diversión aún?

NOW, KEEP UP WITH ME if you can. San Geraldo’s mother, Alice, had a cousin from Norway who lives in the United States and was married to an Englishman (who died a few years ago). His, the Englishman’s brother, also lived in the United States. He, the brother (whose name was Richard), was married to a “Southern Belle” from Georgia or thereabouts.

SG and I were very close with Alice’s mother’s cousin and her husband. We never met his mother’s cousin’s husband’s brother or his wife, but we heard stories. There was one phrase that always came up when we were enjoying each other’s company.

SG’s mother’s cousin’s husband’s brother’s wife loved to say in her elegant Southern drawl, apropos of nothing: “Are we havin’ fun yet, Dickie?” It became the catch phrase of the extended family and of us.

This photo of my paternal grandparents sitting in a rowboat in the early 1950s made me think of that. I don’t know if the rowboat ever left shore or if it was simply a photo opportunity. My grandfather doesn’t look like he was having fun.

What about the rest of us? Are we having fun yet?


AHORA, SIGUE CONMIGO SI PUEDES. La madre de San Geraldo, Alice, tenía una prima de Noruega que vive en los Estados Unidos y estaba casada con un inglés (que murió hace unos años). El hermano del inglés, también vivía en Estados Unidos. El hermano (cuyo nombre era Richard), estaba casado con una “Southern Belle” de Georgia o por ahí.

SG y yo éramos muy cercanos a la prima de la madre de Alice y a su esposo. Nunca conocimos al hermano del esposo de la prima de su madre ni a su esposa, pero escuchamos historias. Había una frase que siempre surgía cuando estábamos disfrutando de la compañía del otro.

A la esposa del hermano del marido de la prima de la madre de SG le encantaba decir con su elegante acento sureño, a propósito de nada: “¿Ya nos estamos divirtiendo, Dickie?” Se convirtió en el eslogan de la familia extendida y de nosotros.

Esta foto de mis abuelos paternos sentados en un bote de remos a principios de la década de 1950 me hizo pensar en eso. No sé si el bote de remos salió de la orilla o si fue simplemente una oportunidad para tomar fotos. Mi abuelo no parece que se esté divirtiendo.

¿Qué pasa con el resto de nosotros? ¿Estamos teniendo diversión aún?

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

24 thoughts on “Are we having fun yet? / ¿Estamos teniendo diversión aún?”

  1. Are we having fun yet? was a favorite question in my own family–usually tossed out when.we were doing something my four children did not like (e.g. driving across country in an un-airconditioned VW bus). Used to cajole them back into a better mood as I would then use some bizarre humor to us get through the moment.

    I also used that line when sitting through long (and useless) work meetings–with sarcasm dripping from my voice (yes, I know, poorest form of humor).

    As for the current moment…not so much.

    1. Mary:
      Oh, I remember snarking that comment with good colleagues after meeting with not good colleagues. Yeah, current moment, not smooch for me either. But I did have fun describing that family connection.

  2. yes and no.
    YES to the fact that I am knitting some winter hats for a local group that works with the homeless.
    NO to the facts of COVID-19 and politics.

    1. anne marie:
      I love that you’re knitting winter hats for the homeless. I’m going to focus on that thought for the rest of the day.

    1. wickedhamster:
      After years of following SG’s genealogy stories, I’ve become pretty good at it. I even [sometimes] get the once, twice, and thrice removeds on the first guess.

    1. Bob:
      This is why I’ve always loved songs like “I Know and Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly.” (I KNOW why she swallowed the fly…)

  3. I’m always having fun. Or will be soon. Or was just a moment ago. Also raised in the south – excuse me – REARED in the south, as true southerners would put it. Your grandfather looks like he is anxiously anticipating the fun of disembarking!

    1. Wilma:
      I AM having fun. Just wish the rest of the crap wasn’t so depressing. I had never before looked closely at that photo. Was my grandfather’s hand grasping the boat in white-knuckled desperation? Maybe he was afraid of boats.

    1. Frank:
      No matter what comes, I have a feeling we won’t be having real fun for a very long time.

  4. I’m stuck on mother’s cousin’s husband’s brother. I will have fun if Joe Biden kicks Trump’s ass. Until and unless that happens, life in the U.S. is not much fun.


    1. janiejunebug:
      To be clear, that was SG’s mother’s cousin’s husband’s brother’s wife. (I know you understand; I just like writing it.) I will be relieved if Biden kicks Trumps ass and it will be fun seeing Trump and family raked over the coals legally and financially, but these sure are scary times. I don’t know what Trumpidiots will do if he should lose… or even what dirty tricks the GOP will pull during the election.

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