Let them eat cake! / ¡Que coman pasteles!

La versión en español está después de la versión en inglés.

NO MORE TECHNICAL REPORTS. MY computer is fine (today at least). It would appear to some that I’m a genius. To others, not so much. Maybe it was because I passed by the Virgin of Carmen yesterday before lunch. She is after all the patron saint of seafarers. And when it comes to solving technical problems, I am often at sea.

We had a perfect evening at Mesón Salvador. I had cravings for two of their dishes. So we three shared a plate of fried camembert with blueberry jam (I had most of it) and I then ordered a revuelto (a Spanish scramble of sorts, only better). They satisfied my cravings and exceeded my expectations.

I wasn’t pleased with Lulu and San Geraldo when they both declined coffee and dessert. However, I thanked San Geraldo on the way home because I realised I would have regretted it. Besides, SG sliced me a piece of apple cake after breakfast this morning. (Click here for the recipe.)

Remember how I said three weeks ago I needed to lose 4 pounds (1.8 kilos), and then last week I needed to lose 6.2 pounds (2.8 kilos)? Well, I lost those additional 2.2 pounds (1 kilo) this week. So I’m back to wanting to lose only the original 4 (1.8), and then my size 32s (42s Spain) won’t be so snug. Let them eat cake! (Well, let me eat cake!)


NO MÁS INFORMES TÉCNICOS. MI computadora está bien (al menos hoy). A algunos les parecería que soy un genio. Para otros, no tanto. Quizás fue porque pasé por la Virgen del Carmen ayer antes del almuerzo. Después de todo, es la santa patrona de la gente de mar. Y cuando se trata de resolver problemas técnicos, a menudo estoy en el mar (estoy confundido).

Pasamos una velada perfecta en Mesón Salvador. Tenía antojos por dos de sus platos. Así que los tres compartimos un plato de camembert frito con mermelada de arándanos (yo tenía la mayor parte) y luego pedí un revuelto (una especie de revuelto español, solo que mejor). Satisfacen mis antojos y superan mis expectativas.

No me complacieron Lulu y San Geraldo cuando ambos rechazaron el café y el postre. Sin embargo, le agradecí a San Geraldo de camino a casa porque me di cuenta de que me habría arrepentido. Además, SG me ha cortado un trozo de tarta de manzana después del desayuno esta mañana. (Haz clic aquí para la receta.)

¿Recuerdas que hace tres semanas dije que necesitaba perder 1,8 kilos (4 libras) y luego la semana pasada necesitaba perder 2,8 kilos (6,2 libras)? Bueno, perdí eso kilo adicional (2,2 libras) esta semana. Así que he vuelto a querer perder solo los 1,8 (4) originales, y luego mi talla 32 (42 España) no será tan ajustada. ¡Déjalos comer pastel! (¡Bueno, déjame comer pastel!)

I didn’t even have to leave flowers, or genuflect (which many people do as they pass).
Ni siquiera tuve que dejar flores o hacer una genuflexión (lo que muchas personas hacen cuando pasan).
Fried camembert with blueberry jam.
Queso frito con mermelada de arándanos.
Sergio makes everything taste better — although he could have given us a free refill on the camembert; we hadn’t used up the jam. Still, one of the most exceptional people.
Sergio hace que todo sepa mejor — aunque podría habernos dado una recarga gratis en el camembert; no habíamos agotado la mermelada. Aún así, es una de las personas más excepcionales que tenemos la suerte de conocer.
My revuelto of the house.
Mi revuelto de mesón.
San Geraldo’s swordfish. Lulu had the grilled salmon San Geraldo had last week (see yesterday’s post).
Pez espada de San Geraldo. Lulu comió el salmón a la parrilla que San Geraldo comió la semana pasada (ver la entrada de ayer).
Dessert after breakfast.
Postre después de desayuno.

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

26 thoughts on “Let them eat cake! / ¡Que coman pasteles!”

  1. Looks yummy, life is short, eat the cake. A 32 inch waist, I think I passed that in the 8th grade, then was back there at the peak of my running days.

    1. David:
      When I graduated high school and huge, feet-covering, floor-dragging, bell bottoms were the rage, there was only one place nearby that carried my size. I was about 6’1″ or maybe my full height of 6’2″ by then; my waist was 28 and inseam was 36!

  2. that cheese & blueberry jam looks fabu, as does SG’s fish. I would never want to leave meson salvador – good food and HAWT MENZ!

    1. anne marie:
      You clearly get why love Mesón Salvador so much. Fried camembert is a popular dish. We had it in Sevilla with tomato marmalade. Unbelievable. I had no idea it was tomato either.

  3. I used to LOVE to genuflect when I was a kid……it’s been a while.
    The food at Meson Salvador always looks, and sounds, so good! A special place indeed.
    OK…..4 pounds to go…….you can do this.

    1. Jim:
      I practiced when I was a kid. My mother caught me once and was NOT happy. Four pounds in nothing. I just won’t have a second serving of fried camembert this week.

    1. Bob:
      When we lived in San Diego, SG and I had the same personal trainer. He was on the Zone Diet and doing amazingly well. To make it easier, I followed it with him but supplemented with snacks he wouldn’t have (because I lose weight very easily and tend toward thin). Despite my efforts, I lost quite a bit of weight. I asked our trainer what I should do. She calculated my recent calorie intake, pulled open her desk drawer, and handed me a Snickers bar. So, I’m headed out in the fresh air and that 2 pounds of cheese had no effect.

  4. That fried camembert and blueberry jam looks DE-LISH! And no calories in that, no-siree-bob.

  5. Thirty-two inch waist huh? That may be the size of my neck. I have to lift my chins up and away to find it to measure, so I’m just guessing here. After breakfast dessert would’ve been my breakfast, dunked in coffee, maybe. That probably explains the neck and chins, huh?

    1. Deedles:
      And here I’ve always wanted LESS neck. I was so long and skinny. At 17, 6’2″, 130 pounds, 28-inch waist, 36-inch inseam. My mother once told me she didn’t think I would ever have a “normal” neck!

  6. I like how the Virgin of Carmen magically steered you into calmer (computer) waters. Whatever works, eh?

  7. SG is looking out for you!

    I think everyone’s gotten a bit, shall we say, “relaxed” around the midsection during the spring and summer lockdowns…all my walking to and from work has fortunately helped me to chase away a few extra pounds.

    1. Steve:
      My activity level has definitely decreased these months. I’m eating less, too, but not enough to compete with being more sedentary. So, in a few minutes, I’m heading out!

  8. Goodness this food looks so wonderful.
    Did you ever post the Apple Cake recipe ? Did I miss it or is it a family secret ?
    Looks like a perfect breakfast to me.

    1. mcpersonalspace:
      Fried camembert is popular here. I’ve never heard of fried feta. That sounds interesting.

  9. I’m a 32 incher as well, but I’m shorter than you so it doesn’t look the same. I’m two kilos away from my desired weight, but according to all internet sites, I’m actually at my ideal weight. Covid hasn’t disrupted my physical routine (which is gardening and dog walking), but the rainy skies of fall and winter mean my walks are shorter than usual. I’m not complaining. Really.

    1. Walt the Fourth:
      Oh, those “ideal weight” charts. According to some, I might be 40 pounds overweight. If I lost 10 pounds, I’d look undernourished.

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