Hoodwink / Engañar

La versión en español está después de la versión en inglés.

San Geraldo and I regularly visit Mesón Salvador, at least once a week for coffee, and then for dinner and lunch. When my cough was still very unpleasant (it’s now a minor annoyance), I found Zumbral (an exceptional Málaga wine ⁄ sweet wine) was very soothing. It’s not something I’ll have often (Diabetes) but I decided it was medicinal.

When we order our coffee, all we have to say is “one Mitchell” and “one Jerry.” A “Mitchell” is decaffeinated café con leche. A “Jerry” is high-test (or as it’s known here, normal) café con leche. However, San Geraldo recently changed his usual to “Café Solo,” which means without milk. So, every time he orders, he makes a point of saying Café Solo and not a “Jerry.” We learned his new order is also in the system. It’s called “Jerry 2.0.” So clever.

After dinner, we are often served chupitos (complementary shots). Pionono is our favorite. It comes from only one village, Santa Fe, outside Granada and we can only find it here at Mesón Salvador. It’s like Bailey’s Irish Cream — only much better. Anyway, I was also having a Pionono after dinner for medicinal purposes. I’m now back to behaving myself.


San Geraldo y yo visitamos regularmente Mesón Salvador, al menos una vez a la semana para tomar café, y luego para cenar y almorzar. Cuando mi tos aún era muy desagradable, encontré que Zumbral (un excepcional vino de Málaga / vino dulce) era muy calmante. No es algo que tendré a menudo (Diabetes), pero decidí que era medicinal.

Cuando pedimos nuestros cafés, todo lo que tenemos que decir es “un Mitchell” y “un Jerry”. Un “Mitchell” es café con leche descafeinado. Un “Jerry” es un café con leche normal. Sin embargo, San Geraldo cambió recientemente su habitual a “Café Solo”. Entonces, cada vez que ordena, se asegura de decir Café Solo y no un “Jerry”. Nos enteramos de que su nuevo orden también está en el sistema. Se llama “Jerry 2.0”. Tan listo.

Después de la cena, a menudo nos sirven chupitos (chupitos complementarios). Pionono es nuestro favorito. Procede de un único pueblo, Santa Fe, fuera de Granada y sólo podemos encontrarlo aquí en Mesón Salvador. Es como Bailey’s Irish Cream, solo que mucho mejor. De todos modos, también estaba tomando un Pionono después de la cena con fines medicinales. Ahora he vuelto a comportarme.

En inglés, engañar es “hoodwink.” “Hood” es una capucha. “Wink” es “guiña”. Entenderás por qué el título es “Hoodwink” cuando veas a San Geraldo en su capucha.

• The salt of the olives was great, too.
• La sal de las aceitunas también estuvo buenísima.
• He said it was chilly and tried to throw his sweatshirt over his shoulders.
• Dijo que hacía frío y trató de echarse la sudadera sobre los hombros.
• I could have helped, but it was just too entertaining.
• Podría haber ayudado, pero fue demasiado entretenido.
• These “suckers” (as SG calls them) were given to us by Adrian at Mesón Salvador. When you were a child, did your dentist give you a lollipop after a cleaning? Mine did. And they were real sugar, too.
• Estos “chupones” (como los llama SG) nos los regaló Adrian en Mesón Salvador. Cuando eras niño, ¿tu dentista te daba una piruleta después de una limpieza? El mío lo hizo. Y también eran azúcar de verdad.
• After dinner, San Geraldo asked me if I had any small bills. I had a twenty and gave it to him. In return, he gave me four fifties. This sums up my life with San Geraldo.
• Después de la cena, San Geraldo me preguntó si tenía billetes pequeños. Yo tenía un veinte y se lo di. A cambio, me dio cuatro de cincuenta. Esto resume mi vida con San Geraldo.

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

30 thoughts on “Hoodwink / Engañar”

  1. I just did a Google search for “pionono chupito” – and guess what was the third search result? THIS! Thus your blog gains the kudos of being a virtual encyclopedia… Jx

    PS We deliberately twist “chupito” to “chupa-me” when in the gay bars of La Nogilera. It raises eyebrows.

  2. Okay. I have some pomegranate/blueberry juice I need to use up. You’ve inspired me to make a medicinal margarita with it. Filled with antioxidants!

    1. Kelly:
      Find another drink without the tequila and I’m in. I OD’d on tequila when I was 20 and haven’t even been able to stomach the smell since.

      1. Despite the fact Margaritas are my go-to mixed drinks, you will NEVER find me shooting tequila. Similar circumstances to yours, I imagine.

      2. Kelly:
        The girlfriend of one of my roommates and I shared a fifth of tequila. I’ve had plenty of hangovers in my life (thankfully, none in recent years) but that was the worst ever. I lived on rice for a week. To this day, just a whiff of tequila nauseates me.

  3. This post made me happy, and that’s saying a lot these days. I was trying to figure out who Mitchell is. I guess I’ve been calling you Scoot for so long that I’d forgotten your name!
    Everything that I used for “medicinal purposes” always had the side effect of me spewing later.
    I have never heard anyone in real life call a sucker a lollipop. Only on television.

    1. Deedles:
      That’s what I would say about “sucker” instead of lollipop. We (you and SG, and I) come from such different worlds. Odd though that where I came from we called hard candies “sucking candies.”

    1. Parsnip:
      It was so funny. And the look on his face when I could finally see his face was priceless.

    1. Steve:
      We felt like celebrities when we found out. It started off as a Mitchell y Jerry, which was two cafes con leche. Then I went decaf. Then Jerry went without milk. They’re going to need Jerry 2.1, as well. No milk, decaf.

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