Sweater Weather… Dammit

I’ve just got to say I’m pretty disgusted with “the weather man.” “He” said it was going to be sunny and in the 50sF (10–15C) for almost our entire visit. Well, we haven’t seen much sun. And, although we’ve seen the 50s a couple of times, we haven’t felt it. The wind-chill (we didn’t have windchill in Southern California and we don’t have windchill on the Mediterranean) has been below 40F (4.5C).

But are we complaining? Well, yes, actually. Every chance we get. We were well-prepared, however. We have our sweatshirts, winter jackets, scarves, gloves, layers. No problem really. I just wish I still had my father’s sweaters made by the Dowager Duchess (who was just a Duchess at the time). I’d be a lot more “stylin’.” While scanning old photos yesterday, I came across this shot of another one of my favorite sweaters made by the Duchess. This argyle cardigan was made for my father in 1948. I inherited it in 1969 and wore it until I outgrew it in the late ’80s. It was still in perfect condition. I wonder who’s enjoying it now.