Cats, spears, spikes / Gatos, lanzas, picos

La versión en español está después de la versión en inglés.

I was in the hall last night and was overwhelmed by the sweet perfume of our African Spear (Dracaena angolensis) in bloom. Since I knew you wouldn’t smell anything during the day, I snapped a photo of the fragrance for you to enjoy. Don’t breathe too deeply. As I mentioned, it’s overwhelming.

The aloe vera stems haven’t reached full height (many will be taller than me) but they’re robust. Even better, most of the plants are already sending up second flower stems.

The desert rose on the terrace is holding its own. Most branches have clusters of buds, which are getting large and look like they might not drop. Spring has arrived.

I went for a walk, finally, this morning in the warmth. I argued with myself for an hour before I left the house. Bed? Walk. Bed? Walk. Walk won but bed will get its chance this afternoon. Dudo (below) and Moose (above) set a good example. Dudo’s latest favorite spot is the corner of the sofa on my towel. Morning, noon, and night. I have to ask him to move when I want to sit down. Moose is often found on a dining room chair. I think he likes the idea of a room specifically designed for eating.


Estuve en el pasillo anoche y me invadió el dulce perfume de nuestra lanza africana (Dracaena angolensis) en flor. Como sabía que no olerías nada durante el día, tomé una foto de la fragancia para que la disfrutes. No respires demasiado profundo. Como mencioné, es abrumador.

Los tallos de aloe vera no han alcanzado su altura máxima (muchos serán más altos que yo) pero son robustos. Aún mejor, la mayoría de las plantas ya están produciendo tallos de segundas flores.

La rosa del desierto en la terraza se mantiene firme. La mayoría de las ramas tienen racimos de cogollos, que se están haciendo grandes y parece que no van a caer. La primavera ha llegado.

Salí a caminar, finalmente, esta mañana en el calor. Discutí conmigo mismo durante una hora antes de salir de casa. ¿Cama? Caminar. ¿Cama? Caminar. Caminar ganó pero la cama tendrá su oportunidad esta tarde. Dudo (abajo) y Moose (arriba) dan un buen ejemplo. El último lugar favorito de Dudo es la esquina del sofá sobre mi toalla. Mañana, mediodía y noche. Tengo que pedirle que se mueva cuando quiero sentarme. Moose se encuentra a menudo en una silla de comedor. Creo que le gusta la idea de una habitación diseñada específicamente para comer.

Click the thumbnails to enlarge.
Haz clic en las miniaturas para ampliar.

Author: Moving with Mitchell

From Brooklyn, New York; to North Massapequa; back to Brooklyn; Brockport, New York; back to Brooklyn... To Boston, Massachusetts, where I met Jerry... To Marina del Rey, California; Washington, DC; New Haven and Guilford, Connecticut; San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Santa Barbara, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Irvine, California; Sevilla, Spain. And Fuengirola, Málaga..

32 thoughts on “Cats, spears, spikes / Gatos, lanzas, picos”

  1. I think you made the right choice here…… difficult as it can be to get started it is a good choice as the activity/circulation is so good for our bodies. And so is rest.
    I think your kitties have it made!

    1. Jim:
      Tell Moose he has it made, please. He started whining for mid-day treats at 9:15. He just wanders aimlessly around the house meowing. Pathetic… And he’ll win.

  2. Loving the aloes ~ I saw a large one like this recently ~ they were selling each section for $5 Cdn each. I was intrigued. We had a plant years ago that was so strong that I had to toss it. Hoya was a beauty but suffocating. Meow to Dudo, so cute!

    1. Ron:
      How large a section for $5? The mature ones are each about 4-feet tall at this point. I thought maybe we had a small fortune in those planters.

      1. One frond (if that is what you call it) 2 footer. I am only used to 6 inch fronds.

  3. Such cute kitty photos!! I wish blogs really were “scratch and sniff”. I’d love to smell that blossom. When our gardenias bloom, it can be so fragrant it’s overwhelming at times.

    1. Kelly:
      Gardenias can be cloyingly sweet. Great outdoors though. The fragrance of the blossoms on the African spear did become a bit much when we had it in the living room.

    1. Bob:
      Moose is currently roaming the house whining that he wants his mid-day treat (now 9:47). Good thing about the punim.

  4. Ahhhh, I’m so glad that you were able to get out in the sun and get a walk in, and not feel completely done in.

  5. Moose looks so commanding and svelte from his dining chair perch that I mistook him for Dudo! And Dudo’s definitely the king of his castle, er, couch, LOL! Is there something wrong with his left ear or has Moose just been chewing on it again?

    1. Tundra Bunny:
      Nothing wrong with Dudo’s ear. That’s just the sun shining through it. I panicked for a moment and double-checked. (Moose has a hole in the fur on top of his head from Dudo.) It was fun to catch Moose in an elegant moment. He’s usually sprawled somewhere.

      1. I’m glad Dudo’s ear is OK! It’s amazing what tricks light can play, eh?

    1. mcpersonalspace54:
      Today mostly sucked. Here’s hoping tomorrow is better! I wish you could smell the flowers, too.

  6. I wonder if Dudo’s attracted just to the towel, just to the corner of the sofa, or both. Might be an interesting experiment to move things around and see how he reacts.

    1. Kirk:
      He does love the corner of the sofa. But he usually varies. It’s odd to see him there throughout the day and night. He’s back again right now. I once saw an experiment done where a square of masking tape was placed on a carpeted floor. Cats invariable settled inside the square.

  7. You have some weird, kind of alien-looking flowers going on there. I wonder what made the desert rose keep its buds this time around? Did you do anything differently?

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